/ #garniermoments So in the space of a month or too in 2013
Pinky 45
10/27/23-10:14(edited on 10/27/23-10:14)
#garniermoments So in the space of a month or too in 2013 went from mid length medium brown hair then to short dark hair / the colour isn’t far off my natural colour here / I had my 2nd second son here and shorter hair was going to be easier with being a new mum again unexpectedly! . Then I decided a month later to have some plum put in front a bit less frumpy !! And something for me less boring after having sonny ! . 10 years on 2023 my hairs longer and a plum / purple colour at the mo although it’s due a top up to cover the greys ! 🙄 I could do with my hair being frozen that would save time & hair dye 😂😂 but I’m glad I let it grow not let it go lol as much I’d shorter hair easier I prefer longer hair ! 💚
#garniermoments  So in the space of a month or too in 2013
#garniermoments  So in the space of a month or too in 2013 - 2
#garniermoments  So in the space of a month or too in 2013 - 3
#garniermoments  So in the space of a month or too in 2013 - 4
#garniermoments  So in the space of a month or too in 2013 - 5
Garnier Nutrisse 5.216 Ultra Intense Lilac Permanent Hair Dye
Garnier Nutrisse 5.216 Ultra Intense Lilac Permanent Hair Dye
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