/ Garnier GOOD Permanent Hair Dye 5.0 Coffee roast brown I
Garnier GOOD Permanent Hair Dye 5.0 Coffee roast brown I kindly received this product from @garnieruk as a part of the garnier test and review.  I am new to hair colouring and found it easy to use with clear instructions. Good to be able to use the tub to mix the product. I loved the luxurious feel of the Shea after care conditioner included in the pack.  The colour is a little lighter than expected, but covered by greys really well and my hair feels super healthy. 
Garnier GOOD Permanent Hair Dye 5.0 Coffee roast brown  I
GOOD Permanent Hair Dye  5.0 Coffee Roast Brown
GOOD Permanent Hair Dye 5.0 Coffee Roast Brown
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