/ Have I lost any IQ points?! Have I started to have more fun?
Have I lost any IQ points?! Have I started to have more fun? YES SIR, this has been a crazy 3 month journey for me but I wanted to big up @Ravi @Garnier AGAIN, because after coming in clutch and putting me onto self tanner, I’ve found I’ve got my confidence, self esteem or bounce back, I’m not quite sure but my face and body are in Marrakesh and my hair is in Scandinavia now!! Thankyou sooo much because a bit of self tanner makes the blonde look soooo good on me im upset I wasn’t born with my dads hair 😆 ravi and garnier i love you for real, the garnier colour home is the only reason I came on this journey, seeing real results of what my hair would look like and since there is no way to say nutrisse bleach x3 I had no idea the colour would be sooo much better than the colour I originally was sold on!!! Ooh girlies if you have any toning tips pleaseeeeeeeeeeee let me know but when you address me that’s Tamara Targareyan MALFOY now please ..
Have I lost any IQ points?! Have I started to have more fun? - 2
Nutrisse Ultra Color D4+ Platinum Bleach
Nutrisse Ultra Color D4+ Platinum Bleach
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