Skin protection for the day ..Although I would rather stay inside!! It’s so hot out today so please be careful if you have to be outside.Wear SPf on all exposed body parts and take it with you to reapply later.Please take some water or other drinks to keep you hydrated .Your body will need to replace the water you loose through perspiring.Please wear a hat for extra protection from the sun’s harmful rays. If you have a dog please only walk late at night and early morning.The pavement gets so hot it can blister their pads.Place your hand on the floor and just see how hot it gets!!!Take water for your furry friend too! Don’t forget other pets in this heat, keep water bowls and bottles filled up and put frozen water bottles under a towel in hutches to help cool your rabbits and Guinea pigs.Also please don’t forget the wild life they need water too.The amount of birds I get coming in my garden for a drink and to bathe.My hedgehogs who visit always go straight to water bowls…I also put stones in bowls so bees and other insects can safely drink..Sorry for the long post be safe and keep hydrated 💦