/ Spotted in boots, fairly well stocked except a small gap on
Hayley ✨🦋
Spotted in boots, fairly well stocked except a small gap on top 😆. Great offers on, up to 1/3 off and great discounts with advantage cards 👌🏻✨. Now is the time to stock up on the SPFs. Garnier do so many amazing products when it comes to sun protection, I personally need to do ip dip do on all 30-50 spf because I can’t choose 😎🌿. @Garnier Official that peach smell is so distinctive, I love the smell so much 🍑. I do stock up on after sun also, just in case 🫢. Always go for a higher spf just to give myself that extra protection but also the anti aging effects of a good spf especially to the face where it’s more noticeable 😃💧. Who knew they even produced an after sun FACE MASK , ohhhh!
Spotted in boots, fairly well stocked except a small gap on
Garnier Ambre Solaire Ideal Bronze Milk-In Spray SPF30
Garnier Ambre Solaire Ideal Bronze Milk-In Spray SPF30
Ambre Solaire Water Resistant High Protection Lotion SPF30
Ambre Solaire Water Resistant High Protection Lotion SPF30
Ambre Solaire Nourishing Lip Protection Stick SPF20
Ambre Solaire Nourishing Lip Protection Stick SPF20
Ambre Solaire After Sun Cooling Hyaluronic Acid Face Sheet Mask
Ambre Solaire After Sun Cooling Hyaluronic Acid Face Sheet Mask
Keep exploring the community!