Spotted in boots, fairly well stocked except a small gap on top 😆. Great offers on, up to 1/3 off and great discounts with advantage cards 👌🏻✨. Now is the time to stock up on the SPFs. Garnier do so many amazing products when it comes to sun protection, I personally need to do ip dip do on all 30-50 spf because I can’t choose 😎🌿. @Garnier Official that peach smell is so distinctive, I love the smell so much 🍑. I do stock up on after sun also, just in case 🫢. Always go for a higher spf just to give myself that extra protection but also the anti aging effects of a good spf especially to the face where it’s more noticeable 😃💧. Who knew they even produced an after sun FACE MASK , ohhhh!
Garnier Ambre Solaire Ideal Bronze Milk-In Spray SPF30
Ambre Solaire Water Resistant High Protection Lotion SPF30
Ambre Solaire Nourishing Lip Protection Stick SPF20
Ambre Solaire After Sun Cooling Hyaluronic Acid Face Sheet Mask