/ Brighter, more luminous skin; What you need to know? Most
Brighter, more luminous skin; What you need to know? Most important; Use Garnier but also; Achieving brighter, more luminous skin often involves a combination of skincare practices, lifestyle habits, and dietary choices. Here are some top tips to help you achieve this! 1. Regular exfoliation. Gentle ones AHAs and BHAs to help maintain texture and tone 2. Hydration. Drink plenty of water to make your skin look radiant. 3. Sun Protection. Helps get rid of uneven skin tone and protect against UV rays 4. Antioxidant Rich Diet. Help protect skin from oxidative stress. 5. Vitamin C usage. Helps brighten skin 6. Consitent skincare routine. This is one of the most important. Cleanse, tone, moisturizer. 7. Stress Management. Chronic stress is harmful for skin as well as rest of body. Hope these tips help x