/ A few years ago I had some friends who were already going
Mahh Cris
11/24/23-19:26 (edited on 11/26/23-10:19)
A few years ago I had some friends who were already going
A few years ago I had some friends who were already going through menopause and consequently complained about their symptoms. At the time, I believe I was in perimenopause with practically no symptoms and I believed it would continue in this very peaceful way. I always joked with my friends: โ€œYou look like babies! There is no reason to be so sensitive! My friends told me: "Wait for your turn and you'll understand." I really didn't understand and never bothered to find out more about menopause, after all I believed it was just the small discomforts I felt at the beginning and that would continue. 2 years ago everything changed drastically: hair loss, always dry and dehydrated skin, hot flashes, itchy skin all over the body and other symptoms. The ones I mentioned are my main symptoms that bother me a lot and the other symptoms are calmer. I used hormone replacement therapy for 1 year, but I saw no difference. I have an appointment with the doctor next December and will try hormone replacement again. What do I do to make peace with menopause symptoms? For hair: I use several Garnier shampoos/conditioners/colors wich leave my hair clean, shiny, smelling good, looking good and this is great for me. Personally, I don't believe that I will have the same hair again that I had 6 years ago, so having these qualities that I mentioned above is already great. For the body: I exfoliate my body twice a week, use a lot of moisturizers/body oils, work hard to exercise my body (for money too obviously), drink a lot of water and walk as much as I can. On the face daily: exfoliants once a week, serums, moisturizers, sunscreens, masks (I received a box with 5 sheet masks from the Ganier Community which are wonderful), day/night creams, creams for the eye area, in short, a variety of products. One product in particular is a serum that I love, which surprised me with its quality and which is very good for my skin and Garnier AHA+BHA Charcoal Serum which I even received here in the Garnier Community for testing & review. I use it every day, twice a day and this serum is really good for my skin. AHA+BHA for me is a great ally in combating dry/dehydrated skin caused by menopause. I even posted here that it is one of the best products I received for testing and review. I'm living or surviving the menopause phase haha and I'm trying to deal with it in the best way possible. Accepting the changes, not stressing about it, I believe it also helps a lot. #mygarniermoments
4% AHA + BHA & Niacinamide Charcoal Face Serum
Pineapple & Amla Hair Food Shampoo
Pineapple & Amla Hair Food Conditioner