/ New product and I am extremely happy with condition of my
04/02/24-18:06 (edited on 04/02/24-18:43)
New product and I am extremely happy with condition of my
New product and I am extremely happy with condition of my skin after first application! I use it after micellar water from same series and I am Super happy ! Another super product from Garnier ๐ŸŒบworks anti wrinkles ๐ŸŒบ improves skin structure after first use ๐ŸŒบlight consistency ๐ŸŒบ more visible changes after long term uses ! ๐ŸŒบ age 30+ must include serum in face care routine Another great news that this product cost now less then ยฃ10.00 in Boots on sale ! Most Garnier products are 50% off
Hyaluronic Aloe Replumping Face Serum